It’s the middle of spring break, and there are plenty of Wesleyan students enjoying the respite from classes with friends and family. Many of our athletes are competing in warmer climes, though some are right here duking it out against tough opponents. As I write this, the men’s basketball team is preparing to play at home in the sweet 16 – our first appearance at this level. Theater kids are practicing their lines, and those who have recitals coming up are busy getting ready to perform.
[UPDATE: The basketball team won a nail-biter against Emory and is off to the FINAL FOUR in Indiana on Thursday!!! FIRST TIME IN WES HISTORY!!!]
And there are the senior theses writers hunkered down in a library or a bedroom somewhere…writing, revising, checking their data sets or fine tuning the plots of their creative writing projects. I remember vividly working on my own thesis back in the day, and it remains one of the most intense intellectual experiences of my life.
Each year I collect a small sampling of thesis topics from my colleagues. In the College of Letters I‘ve heard about a project that wrestles with disease and identity, fact, fiction and art (Maya Gray). Another that works through topics in animal studies, literature and performance (Malia Detar Cheung). Aristocratic women and the crusades is the subject of a medieval studies thesis (Beatrix Briggs), and one in religion looks at the alt-right, hate speech and violence (AJ Minzer).
A CSSer is looking at radio and propaganda in the Soviet Union (Czarina Yuffa). A study abroad trip in France has led a student to explore the symbolic status of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the revolutionary period (Phoebe Robinson). Strangely topical is a project on a boundary dispute between Canada and Great Britain in the mid 1800s (Ben Sheriff). And straightforwardly relevant is a thesis on surveillance and technology (Jack Noble).
In Psych and Ed Studies, a student is writing on South Korean and US students’ educational experiences with an eye toward media, burnout, and mental health as common denominators in both cultures (Mika Zapf). Speaking of Ed Studies, I’ve heard of two theses focused on curriculum development: one using Survivor as a game-based structure for an entire course (Jesse Herzog) and another using dance as a curricular framework (Cadence Rosenblum).
History theses include one on tourists in Thailand (Allie Pae) and on missionaries in Rwanda (Daniel Holt). Women’s clothing in Early Modern Europe (Greta Armbrust) and the peace process in Ireland (James Fitzpatrick) have attracted enterprising seniors, while others are working on University of California’s race-blind admissions (Aaron Finkelstein) and American theories of hysteria and neurasthenia (Katherine Petersdorf).
Good luck to everyone working through this break! Spring is here, soon your hearts will be dancing!