Track Closed but Tunnels Open for Training

As many on campus already know, the track behind the Freeman Center is closed for several months for extensive renovation. Many have voiced their frustration that this important exercise venue is no longer available.

For years I have also been asked by dozens of students and alumni why Wesleyan no longer allows students to use the tunnels under the campus. For many, the tunnels represent a place of experimentation, a happy alternative to the more controlled environments above ground. Of course, sometimes this “experimentation” got out of hand.

So, I’ve decided to re-open the tunnels, but to do so for the purposes of health and exercise! We have been repainting the vast maze of underground paths (and putting cameras every 50 yards or so to ensure safety and security), improving ventilation, and fixing water fountains, etc. The Wesleyan tunnels will be a great place to work out, meet other students, and to get back in shape for summer. We’re even thinking of having an underground battle of the bands!!

Spring is here, but let’s be weirdly Wesleyan and go underground!

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