Friday, October 21
2:00 PM
Wesleyan Admission Information Session 
Gather insight into the admission process at Wesleyan by attending this information session for prospective students.
Presented by: The Office of Admission
McKelvey Room, Stewart M. Reid House, Office of Admission (show in map)
3:00 PM
Tour of Campus 
Presented by: The Office of Admission
Meet in the lobby of the Stewart M. Reid House, Office of Admission (show in map)
7:00 PM
Volleyball v. Connecticut College 
Silloway Gymnasium, Freeman Athletic Center
7:00 PM
Athletics Hall of Fame Ceremony & Dinner 
Celebrate the eighth class of inductees to the Athletics Hall of Fame. Buy tickets to the dinner and ceremony by October 7.
8:00 PM
Television Reality! Shark Tank Director Ken Fuchs ’83 in Conversation 
Fuchs is a television director with expertise in non-scripted series. He will share his experiences directing SHARK TANK, THE BACHELOR, FAMILY FEUD, and more.
Moderator: Scott Higgins, chair of film studies, College of Film and the Moving Image
Goldsmith Family Cinema
Saturday, October 22
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Usdan Cafe Hours 
The Usdan Cafe is open for beverages and snacks.
Usdan Univerisity Center
9:00 AM
Women’s Lacrosse Alumnae Game 
Smith Field
9:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Joint Meeting of the Alumni Association Executive Committee, 
Wesleyan Fund Volunteer Leadership Committee
By invitation only.
Taylor Meeting Room (108), Usdan University Center
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tailgating and Parking on Andrus Field 
The Wesleyan men’s and women’s tennis teams oversee and direct visitor parking at all home football games. In return, many visitors choose to make a donation to the tennis program that goes towards defraying equipment, travel, and numerous other expenses to the program. The suggested donation is $3 per car, but any amount, more or less, is graciously accepted. Further, the donations are optional and at the complete discretion of individual attendees. The tennis teams thank you for your support.
Open Container Policy: University policy and NESCAC regulations state that alcohol is not allowed at any sporting event with the exception of the tailgate area on Andrus Field. Open containers are not allowed near the football field.
Andrus Field and Foss Hill (show in map)
10:00 AM
Wesleyan Admission Information Session 
Gather insight into the admission process at Wesleyan by attending this information session for prospective students.
Presented by: The Office of Admission
McKelvey Room, Stewart M. Reid House, Office of Admission (show in map)
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Wesleyan Fund Volunteer Leadership Committee Business Meeting 
and Lipman Hearne Focus Group
By invitation only.
Andersen Meeting Room (110), Usdan University Center
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Alumni Association Executive Committee Business Meeting 
and Lipman Hearne Focus Group
By invitation only.
Taylor Meeting Room (108), Usdan University Center
10:00 AM
Team Tailgates 
The following teams are hosting tailgates during the football game. Please check back often as more teams are added.
Baseball (Concessions)
Men’s & Women’s Basketball
Men’s Ice Hockey
Women’s Lacrosse
Softball (Concessions)
Men’s & Women’s Swimming & Diving
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Lunch in Honor of the Class of 1966 Football Team 
By invitation only.
Daniel Family Commons, Usdan University Center
11:00 AM
Tour of Campus 
Presented by: The Office of Admission
Meet in the lobby of the Stewart M. Reid House, Office of Admission (show in map)
11:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Middletown Day Festivities 
Wesleyan alumni, students, families, faculty, staff, and the Middletown community are invited to join us for Middletown Day as we cheer on the Cardinals. Stop by the Spirit Tent for fun activities for everyone including, face painter, balloon animals, bouncy house, snacks, spirit gear and more.
Located behind North & South College
12:00 PM
Field Hockey vs. Amherst College 
Smith Field
12:00 PM
Women’s Soccer vs. Amherst College 
Jackson Field
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Young Alumni Tailgate 
Stop by for food, fun, friends, and of course FOOTBALL. What more can you ask for?
Tent in the tailgate area parallel to the Fayerweather parking lot on Andrus Field
12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
“Saddle Up! The Western Film” Gallery Exhibit 
“Saddle Up! The Western Film.” The exhibit showcases western-themed film posters from 1936 to 1992, and features films from directors including Cecil B. DeMille, John Ford, Raoul Walsh, King Vidor, and Clint Eastwood. The Gallery is open Friday and Saturday afternoons from 12 to 4 and admission is FREE.
Center for Film Studies Film Studies Rick Nicita Gallery
12:30 PM
Alumni of Color Council Meeting 
Center for African American Studies (CAAS)
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Wesleyan Women of Class of ’74 Gathering 
By invitation only for the women of 1974.
Klingher Classroom (113), Boger Hall
1:00 PM
Dream Dangerously offers viewers a fly-on-the-wall look at Gaiman (SANDMAN, AMERICAN GODS, CORALINE) on the road, interacting with fans and experiencing the struggles and joys of being an acclaimed public speaker and in-demand personality. At the same time, the film delves deeply into Gaman’s writing process, exploring the childhood origins of his love of mythology, up to his struggles to keep his writing fresh after 25 years of successful storytelling.
DIRECTOR, Patrick Meaney ’07, will conduct a Q&A after the film screening.
Powell Family Cinema
1:00 PM
Tour of Campus 
Presented by: The Office of Admission
Meet in the lobby of the Stewart M. Reid House, Office of Admission (show in map)
1:00 PM
Football vs. Amherst College 
To view a live streaming video of the game, log on to approximately 1/2 hour prior to game time and follow instructions. Halftime show featuring the Middletown High School Marching Band.
Corwin Stadium, Andrus Field (show in map)
2:30 PM
Men’s Soccer vs. Amherst College 
Jackson Field
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
President’s Reception Honoring Leadership Donors & Volunteers 
Please join President Michael Roth ’78 and the Wesleyan Board of Trustees at a reception celebrating members of the Wesleyan Leadership Societies. The Wesleyan Circle, the 1831 Society, and the Olin Associates recognize members of the Wesleyan community who put the University first in their philanthropy—as donors and volunteers. All are welcome.
Olson Commons, Gordon Career Center, Boger Hall