This weekend is Homecoming/Family Weekend, and we are expecting a great turnout from the Wes family. The activities get underway on Friday, November 3 with a fascinating array of WesSeminars throughout the day. These culminate in the evening at Wesleyan’s RJ Julia Bookstore on Main Street at 7 p.m. when Beverly Daniel Tatum ’75, P ’04, Hon. ’15, will be discussing the revised 20th anniversary edition of her landmark study, WHY ARE ALL THE BLACK KIDS SITTING TOGETHER IN THE CAFETERIA? And Other Conversations About Race.
There are lots of events on Saturday as well, with topics ranging from the environment to journalism, from photography to immigration. The Dwight Greene lecture features Judge Denise Jefferson Casper ’90 in Memorial Chapel at 4 p.m. Wesleyan alumni created the feature film Patti Cake$, which screens at C-Film at 8 p.m.
We are hoping for a record-breaking athletic/science event on Foss Hill from 10 am–noon:
The Wesleyan Mathematics and Science Scholars (WesMaSS) Program plans to break the Guinness world record for the largest number of people rolling down a hill within an hour.
Come join the fun and raise Cardinal spirit by having students, staff and the Middletown community work together to break a world record and get into the Guinness Book!
There’s also what promises to be a hotly contested football game against Williams at 1 p.m. GO WES!!