Looking Forward, Looking Back

Near the end of the fall semester, I’ve usually presented a fairly brief update on what we’ve done over the last year with respect to our framework for planning, Wesleyan 2020This year we are working on an addendum to this framework that will take us out much further than four years from now. We’ve called this Beyond 2020: Strategies for Wesleyan, and over the course of this academic year I am discussing its core ideas with all campus constituencies. In conjunction with this look forward, we have prepared an assessment of our work on the objectives we set out in 2010. There’s quite a bit here, and my thanks go to staff around the campus who collected the information. You can find a PDF of this document HERE.

Over the years we’ve accomplished a great deal together, and yet there is still so much more we can do to realize Wesleyan’s full potential. I remain convinced that the overarching goals in Wesleyan 2020 are useful for framing the work we will do together. Together we energize Wesleyan’s distinctive educational experience; together we enhance recognition of Wesleyan as an extraordinary institution; together we work within a sustainable economic model while retaining core values.  

Fall semester is coming to a close, the next approaches, and in the meantime, the holidays. I wish you satisfaction in accomplishment, excitement about the future, and joy in your holiday celebrations. 


1 thought on “Looking Forward, Looking Back”

  1. Pres. Roth, Saw your exchange concerning sanctuary cities and universities on Foxnews. I just retired a few weeks ago after 40 years in the military. I am sorely disappointed with your cavalier attitude toward American citizens and their safety. I spent all my career protecting and you appear to be pursuing a destructive course in our society. A man reaps what he sows. Colonel Bob

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