Three years ago, Russia launched a brutal invasion of Ukraine. Many thought that the much smaller nation would be quickly overrun, but with extraordinary courage and resolve — and significant aid from the West — the Ukrainians have protected their country. Their struggle has deserved US support, and it has received it. But now with a Putin admirer in the White House, all bets are off.
Back in 2014, one of my Coursera students wrote: “what do we see now? It’s hard to believe that after everything that has been happening in my beloved Motherland during these 3 months, after all those people who were injured or died fighting for the freedom and democracy, Russia de facto declares a war against Ukraine. Please, wake me up, tell me it’s just a fucked up nightmare.”
Yes, the nightmare continues. It’s hard to believe, that after all the pain and suffering of the last three years of war, the American administration seems ready to betray Ukraine. Students led a demonstration three years ago to support the Ukrainians, and today there will be a vigil during the lunch hour. We can at least bear witness. I wrote with admiration about the work Professor Barry Chernoff and Katja Kolcio were doing to connect Ukrainian civil society with people here at Wesleyan. Katja told me that expressions of support and empathy were meaningful to her compatriots in Kiev.
A feckless government will lose its allies, and a country that betrays its friends in favor of autocrats will eventually see its legitimacy disintegrate. Meanwhile, we can remind our friends in Ukraine that their many American admirers continue to support them, as we work together for a just, sustainable peace.

Hear, hear. The Trump administration’s betrayal of the heroic people of Ukraine will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in American history.
As an independent filmmaker I’ve worked with several Wesleyan alumni and have traveled to Ukraine six times to film including three times since the full invasion. Ukrainians deserve better than they are getting from the current administration and indeed Russia’s propaganda machine with the help of social media has had a devastating impact on American support in Ukraine. So sad. But I am heartened by Wesleyan’s support and your words of encouragement. Thank you and Slava Ukraini!
President Roth –
Could not agree more strongly with your Stand With Ukraine! piece. The courageous people of Ukraine deserver our support, and the vicious and authoritarian leader of Russia does not. No amount of “alternative facts” can change the truth.
Your clear commentaries criticizing specific actions of the present US government are commendable, and provide a model of moral leadership.
Thanks, Michael — I totally agree.
I am proud of Wesleyan for standing up for values over value, allies over all lies, history over stories, and truth over Trump.
I am a 1966 graduate of Wesleyan with additional degrees in business management from Stanford and Antioch Universities in business management and conflict resolution, respectively. There has also been a diverse set of careers that included working and living for 15 years in the post-collapse Soviet Union and 8 years in post-independence Timor Leste. Close working relationships with two Nobel Peace Laureates as colleagues and mentors blessed this life experience. Those of us in their association all marveled at their persistence in finding ways in any kind of conflict to “talk.” And, talking involves both articulating thoughts and listening to the thoughts of others. Seems I had also learned a lot about the virtue and wisdom of “talk” during the Wesleyan days. President Roth, as I have been paying attention to your letters, presentations, blogs, and other commentaries in recent times, it seems that your hate for Trump is constraining and clouding any kind of the Wesleyan balance in your assessments of the complex domestic and geopolitical issues of these times. Regarding the Ukrainian situation, I suggest a listen to the recent presentation by Columbia University’s Jeffrey Sachs to the parliament of the EU. There are some facts of history and context that you need to hear.
I am puzzled and distressed by the Ukraine rally and the statement by President Roth on Ukraine. It had been my understanding that Wesleyan University would be an center for in depth examination and debate of Ukraine war issues that would help members of the campus community to formulate their own individual views on the war. Seeing the university turned into a political actor on this controversial issue is enormously disappointing to me as an alumnus. It is in my view inconsistent with the character of both Wesleyan University and the admirable tenure of President Roth.
Wolf Brueckmann ‘65
Ph.D. In International Studies ‘’75
American University, Washington DC
I never thought I’d see the day when a Wesleyan president would call for more war and more killing. In my (Wesleyan) day we marched for peace. How things have changed.
We stand with Ukraine and against the feckless who support Putin
Screw the ukraine!