A Call to Address the Refugee Crisis

This week I sent the following message asking for ideas on how we can address the refugee crisis to Wesleyan students, faculty and alumni. I have been in touch with other university presidents about collaborating in this regard. Some have asked “why this issue?” Others wonder if it is the “university’s business” to try to crowd source ideas on political/social issues. This is a momentous human tragedy unfolding around the world, and I  have hopes that tapping into the ideas of our community (and other university groups) will, at a minimum, raise awareness about it, and, perhaps, result in some concrete, practical actions. Wesleyan has had a long commitment to “the good of the world,” to use Wilbur Fisk’s words, and not just to ourselves. Let’s see what we can do!

Please send your ideas to: ideas@wesleyan.edu


Many of us have been horrified by images of thousands of refugees from Syria (and elsewhere) struggling to make their way to safety. Some governments are beginning to welcome thousands displaced by war and violence, while others actively discourage asylum seekers. I have been particularly appalled by the actions and rhetoric of xenophobic leaders (and would-be leaders) bringing fascistic hatred back to public life. But what can we do about it?

My wife (and COL professor) Kari Weil and I began talking about what positive actions we at universities might take, and she suggested I turn to the Wes community for ideas. I raised the issue at the first faculty meeting of the year. What can we do about this refugee crisis? As a university, a place devoted to learning and building community, what can we do to lend a hand in this terrible time? There will be panels and teach-ins—formal and informal. Should our role also be one of advocacy, or should we try to find ways to sponsor a group of people who need asylum? Should we focus on educating our own folks about these issues, or should we make more direct interventions (perhaps with other schools)? What other ideas do you have?

We can certainly petition the White House to dramatically increase the numbers of Syrian refugees being allowed into the United States. President Obama could make a “Presidential Determination” to increase the 2015 number of 70,000 refugees to 200,000 for 2016 and prioritize receiving 100,000 Syrian refugees within this number. We can donate to organizations assisting the most vulnerable of those seeking asylum. We can work with Middletown towards becoming a “Welcoming City,” or establish internships for students who want to help. Ideas like these have come in from alumni, students and faculty members, and I want to collect suggestions from all sectors of the Wesleyan community. I am also writing to other university leaders to see if they might do something similar and how we might pool our ideas. Perhaps we can come up with actions that will actually help on the ground. In any case, we are sure to learn a lot about a vital issue in the process.

Please send in your ideas to ideas@wesleyan.edu and stay tuned for other ways to participate as we think together about how we can respond to this acute crisis. I’ll share suggestions I get with Professor Rob Rosenthal, director of the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, and talk with faculty, staff and student representatives about how we might proceed. I’ll consult with alumni working in the field and report back on this topic on my blog and in newsletters later this semester.

Being horrified is not enough. Our mission statement evokes “practical idealism.” Let’s live up to it!

Remembering Carl E. Schorske, 1915-2015

I received word last night, the beginning of the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, that Carl Schorske had died peacefully in New Jersey. I signed up for Carl’s Vienna seminar during my first year in college in the spring of 1976. He was a visitor at the Center for the Humanities, having taught at Wesleyan in the 1950s before moving on to UC Berkeley and Princeton. I would later learn that he regarded that earlier time at Wes as the “decisive intellectual experience” of his life. I became his student again at Princeton, studying intellectual history and completing my dissertation with him in 1983. When I was inaugurated as president of Wesleyan in 2007, it was Carl who introduced me.

Carl was the great historian of anti-historical thinking. In his masterwork, Fin de Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture, he explored “the historical genesis of modern cultural consciousness, with its deliberate rejection of  history.” In beautifully written essays, he “performed” historical thinking even as he showed a deep appreciation for the culture makers who rejected the past as a reservoir of meaning. His Vienna book not only won the Pulitzer Prize, it became a touchstone for anyone interested in the intersection of the political and the cultural under the pressure of changing times. A collection of essays in his honor, Rediscovering History: Culture, Politics and the Psyche, begins to show the range of his influence across the social sciences and humanities.

Carl was an extraordinary teacher —  erudite, humane and sensitive to the different ways that students learned. He was an activist, a scholar and a pedagogue. These aspects of his personality all seemed to work together in his intellectual practice as a scholar-teacher. When he was teaching a subject he was deeply engaged with as a scholar, he said he “was really cooking with gas.” He took culture seriously, and he took enormous pleasure in it, too. That seriousness and capacity for pleasure was something that his students were so fortunate to share in.

Carl E. Schorske, 1915-2015
Carl E. Schorske, 1915-2015

Just a few years ago I interviewed Carl about his interest in Freud, and throughout our afternoon together he kept returning to his love of music — of listening to it and making it. I published a summary of our conversation here, and ended my essay with the following:

In the intensely experimental intellectual community of Wesleyan in the 1950s, the hothouse of political passions of Berkeley in the 1960s, or the more measured scholarly interdisciplinarity of the seventies and eighties in Princeton, music remained an elemental part of Schorske’s life and work. He continued to play in string quartets with friends, and in recent years, he told me, his singing voice has returned. He took pleasure in showing me a program of lieder that Schorske had recently performed with some neighbors in his retirement community. As I persisted in asking about the importance of Freud in his life and work, about the friendly, collaborative exploration of the psychological that he began in the 1950s with Herbert Marcuse and Norman O. Brown, my teacher kept reminding me about the centrality of music to his understanding of culture. If you cannot shake the higher powers, to recall Freud’s quotation of Virgil in the epigraph to The Interpretation of Dreams, you may stir up the depths. Music was always a route to those depths for Schorske.

And teaching seemed to be an arena in which Schorske balanced Geistigkeit and Sinnlichkeit, ideas and aesthetics, intellection and action. I remember well the “optional evening class” on Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde when I felt myself opening to an experience of music that was totally new to me. The connections to politics, psychology and culture only added to the powerful aesthetic pleasure of the encounter. There was nothing passive or counter-political in this teaching. The “natural respect” that Schorske generated from students and colleagues, the affection that was perfectly compatible with criticism, provided a political education by example. The solidarity in inquiry and the shared experience of the power of the arts—these were great gifts to his students, especially those of us who went on to be teachers ourselves.

Those of us fortunate enough to study with Schorske at Wesleyan, Berkeley or Princeton, experienced his “cooking with gas,” his extraordinarily energetic balance of the scholar and teacher, the intellectual and the activist. Whether it was in the 19th century intellectual history survey course, or in smaller seminars dealing with architecture, archaism or the arts, the passion he brought to the material ignited the interests and imaginations of his students. These were often moments of political engagement, but they were always mediated through a care for and attention to the texture and meaning of historical material. Under his guidance, history wasn’t just an inert substance waiting for students to get interested in it. We learned from Carl Schorske how to ignite the past in order to create meaning for the present.

At a time when some imagine that education can take place without strong, caring teachers, it is good to remember a supremely gifted scholar who was devoted to the adventurous, empowering learning of his students. Carl Schorske’s memory will long be a blessing to his family and friends, and to his many students (and our students, too).

Roth reviews new book on the Holocaust

This review appeared in last Sunday’s Washington Post. Since Prof. Snyder’s book is getting a lot of attention in the press this week, I thought I’d post the review here as well.

Black Earth
The Holocaust as History and Warning
By Timothy Snyder

Tim Duggan Books. 462 pp. $30

The title Timothy Snyder gives to the introduction of “Black Earth” is “Hitler’s World.” That’s his signal that the dictator’s ideology is essential for grasping the history of Nazi efforts to eliminate Jews from the planet. Although this may seem like common sense, many recent historians of the Holocaust have placed their emphasis on structural elements — economic, geopolitical, bureaucratic — reluctant to hinge so much on a single individual’s obsessive, paranoid ravings. In “Bloodlands” (2010), Snyder showed the ways in which Hitler and Stalin led regimes responsible for the conflagration that consumed 14 million people, and now in “Black Earth,” he zeroes in on the German dictator’s beliefs as the spark.

In “Black Earth,” we are reminded that for Hitler, Jews were the explanation for everything that went wrong. The health of the human race was dependent, he shrieked, on protecting it from Jewish pollution. There was talk among Nazis and others of isolating the malignancy — maybe shipping Jews to Madagascar would work. But Hitler decided that there was a greater purpose to the military conflict he had launched initially just for “room to live.” And that was the ultimate extermination of the Jews. His Final Solution.

The Führer’s worldview inspired Germans to become “entrepreneurs of violence”; he needed innovative techniques for mass murder to kill not only Jews but also the many other enemies blocking Germany’s historical destiny. By destroying a variety of European states, Germany created conditions of lawlessness that legitimized unthinkable atrocities. Ordinary men (mostly men) killed people — even little children — at close range and then returned to their regular routines. Some needed more alcohol to get by, but get by they did. They rounded up men, women and children, shot them in the head or the neck, piled up the corpses, covered them with dirt and then went home to their families.

“Black Earth” explains how this became possible — and it took much more than ideological fury. Destruction of political structures and social norms was necessary. Snyder does not focus on Auschwitz, though he does devote a gruesome chapter to how the death camp has come to stand for the Holocaust more generally. He wants readers to understand that millions were killed by tens of thousands of Germans and their collaborators before anyone was deported to a camp to be gassed. “Hundreds of thousands of Germans witnessed the killings, and millions of Germans on the eastern front knew about them,” he writes. “German homes were enriched, millions of times over, by plunder from the murdered Jews.”

Snyder insists that shooting people over pits was the first and most important of the Nazi techniques of mass killing. How was it possible that “people not that different from us murdered people not very different from us”? Some historians stress that anti-Semitism was the core motivating factor, noting age-old Jew hatred in the areas of Eastern Europe where most of the killings took place. Snyder argues vehemently against this, showing there is no correlation between supposed levels of anti-Semitism and the levels of killing during the war.

He finds instead that the intensity of killings correlates with the degree of political destruction a state suffers. The places where the survival rates of Jews were the lowest were those countries that had been first occupied by the Soviets and then reoccupied by the Nazis. This “double occupation” destroyed civil society and the rule of law, and in this emptiness the German forces created a “special kind of politics” through which individuals could show their allegiance to the new order by killing Jews. “Only through politics,” Snyder writes, “could people be brought to do what the Germans could not do on their own: physically eliminate large numbers of Jews in a very brief period of time.”

Again and again he shows that depriving Jews of citizenship, making them stateless, was key to their mass murder. In countries where some state power remained (like Denmark), survival rates for Jews were much higher than in countries (like Estonia) where the double occupation destroyed local laws. “Wherever the state had been destroyed,” Snyder writes, “almost all of the Jews were murdered.”

The strength of Snyder’s book lies in his elucidating the importance of politics and the state in understanding the Holocaust. He is less effective in evoking the experience of victims or the dynamics of rescue, collaboration and survival. Saul Friedlander’s “Nazi Germany and the Jews” remains the crucial book for integrating these dimensions into a historical understanding of the period.

While “Black Earth” opens with “Hitler’s World,” its conclusion is titled “Our World.” Alas, Snyder is on much surer ground when dealing with the past than with our present. It is an unfortunate distraction when he devotes a few sentences to contemporary China’s need for food, to climate change, to the American invasion of Iraq. And his hyperbolic assertion that “understanding the Holocaust is our chance, perhaps our last one, to preserve humanity” is, to put it gently, unearned.

He is right, however, to believe that his historical account has a vital contemporary lesson, the “warning” in the book’s subtitle. He notes the “common American error . . . to believe that freedom is the absence of state authority,” and he argues effectively against both the left- and right-wing versions of this error. The failure to recognize that it is the state and the rule of law that make modern life possible, he argues, creates conditions for new cycles of horrific violence. Of course, strong states can also initiate these cycles.

“Defending states and rights is impossible . . . if no one learns from the past or believes in the future,” Snyder concludes. It’s a testament to his intellectual and moral resources that he can so deeply contemplate this horrific past in ways that strengthen his commitment to building a future based on law, rights and citizenship.

Let’s Make Some Music!

I’m excited for The Mash — Wesleyan’s annual music festival. The weather is yucky, but the organizers have found dry places so you can catch some great music at the venues listed below. I’m also getting stage fright about performing with the Smokin Lillies at Crowell at 5 p.m. We play some pretty great rock ‘n roll , so I hope plenty of Wesleyans will be there.

Here’s a list of the performers and venues:

Usdan University Center, First Floor

2-2:20 p.m.: Gee-rre

2:30-2:50 p.m.: Locus – One man with psychedelic textures and experimental beats.

3-3:20 p.m.: Jal & Locus – Your grandma’s favorite rapper.

3:30-3:50 p.m.: Mom – A funky band full of post-pubescent mystery rock.

4-4:20 p.m.: Quasimodal – Wesleyan’s oldest co-ed A cappella group.

4:30-4:50 p.m.: Sneaky Sugars – A band. Plays indie rock music. Girl plays lead guitar. It’s cool.

Crowell Concert Hall

2-2:20 p.m.: Rui Barbosa – 3 man jamband playing funk, rock, and jazz. If it gets proggy, It’s probably Jonah.

2:30-2:50 p.m.: Old Soles – Just a couple gals that love harmonies and attempt to make acoustic arrangements.

3-3:20 p.m.: Matt Chilton – A conglomeration of instruments that somehow gained sentience.

3:30-3:50 p.m.: Veeblefetzer – Wesleyan’s finest Klezmer ensemble.

4-4:20 p.m.: SAD – We’ll make you cry and remind you of being 16.

4:30-4:50 p.m.: Swipe Right – A band with nothing to lose.

5-5:20 p.m.: Smokin’ Lillies – Featuring Dean for Academic Advancement and the Class of 2017, and Adjunct Lecturer in Government Louise Brown; John E. Andrus Professor of Sociology and Director of the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life Rob Rosenthal; Luanne Benshimol; Evan Glass; Paul Horton; and special guest Wesleyan President Michael S. Roth on keyboards.

5:30-5:50 p.m.: 5 Guys – Five men. Or five dudes. Five boys. They’re Ethan, Angus, Nick, Delaine, and Leo.

6-6:20 p.m.: Chef – Cookin’ and servin up the hottest jams in the central CT region. Listen on BandCamp

6:30-7:30 p.m.: The Rooks – A transplant from the Wesleyan University music scene, the band has spent the last three years making noise across New York City and the greater Northeast. Featuring Garth Taylor ’12 on lead vocals; Spencer Hattendorf ’12 on vocals, saxophone, and percussion; Nate Mondschein ’12 on drums and percussion; Grahm Richman ’11 on guitar; Louis Russo ’11 on bass, and Gabe Gordon ’11 on keyboards.

Patricelli ’92 Theater

2-2:20 p.m.: Ari & Arian

2:30-2:50 p.m.: Lo-Qi – Rap duo here to denounce corporate oppression.

3-3:20 p.m.: Kari Wild

3:30-3:50 p.m.: Savage – A solo performance by Anna Savage

4-4:20 p.m.: Sloopy Coos Canyon – Pretty happy stuff about sometimes sad things.

4:30-4:50 p.m.: Slavei – Devoted to bringing beautiful and inspiring music of Europe, the Balkans, and Caucasus Georgia to Wesleyan.

Bands are subject to change.

Campus Planning Framework

Last spring Sasaki Associates & Eastley+Partners worked with student, faculty, staff and alumni groups to develop guidelines for campus planning. After much brainstorming, conversation and analysis, they presented a report detailing five main principles:

1. Synergy of Residential and Academic Experience

How can we create spaces that tie academic work to campus learning more broadly?


2. Network of Informal Learning Spaces

How can we enhance the idiosyncratic spaces in which serendipitous encounters lead to deep learning?


3. Spectrum of Formal Learning Spaces

How can faculty and students collaborate in creating places on campus appropriate to the new ways we teach and learn most effectively?


4. Transparency of Indoor/Outdoor Spaces

How can we plan for spaces that weave a more seamless connection between the interior and exterior landscapes?


5. Engagement Local and Global

 How can the principles of sustainability and stewardship lead to more productive engagement for the Wesleyan community in Middletown and beyond?

You can find a link to the executive summary of the report here. Thanks to the Facilities Committee and all the other Wesleyans who contributed to this effort. Over the course of this year we will begin to plan for campus improvements guided by this work.

How Can We Help Refugee Situation?

It’s an exciting time of year. Classes are just getting underway, and new students are getting to know the campus while many others are reconnecting with friends and teachers. Even though I’m the kind of person can easily get used to the rhythms of summertime, I just love the beginning of the school year. Tonight I met my philosophy and film class. After all these years, I still had butterflies just before class…

After we went over the syllabus, we watched two short films that deal with people displaced from their homes and their communities, often with the most awful consequences. When we watched the chilling images, I am sure lots of us were thinking about contemporary refugees fleeing Syria and other places of poverty, oppression and gruesome murder.

Many of us have been horrified by the response to the thousands of refugees struggling to get into Europe. I have been particularly appalled by the actions and rhetoric of xenophobic leaders who are bringing fascistic hatred back to public life. But what can we do about it?

Over the weekend Kari and I were talking about what we at universities might do, and we thought it would be an important question to put to our Wesleyan community. What can we do about this refugee crisis? As a university, a place devoted to learning and building community, what can we do to lend a hand in this terrible time? Should our role be one of advocacy, or should we try to find ways to sponsor a group of people who need asylum? Should we step out as a single institution, or work with other colleges and universities? What other ideas do you have?

I want to collect your suggestions and to talk about them with folks from different parts of the Wesleyan community. Perhaps we can come up with actions that will help, and we are sure to learn some things in the process.

Please send in your thoughts (either to this blog comment or to presoffice@wesleyan.edu) and stay tuned for other ways to participate as we think together about how we can respond to this acute crisis. I’ll share suggestions I get with Professor Rob Rosenthal, director of the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, and talk with faculty, staff and student representatives about how we might proceed. I’ll write again on this topic within the month.

Our mission statement evokes “practical idealism.” Let’s live up to it!

President Roth Talks to Parents on Arrival Day

I give a lot of speeches during the year, but one of my favorite opportunities for talking about liberal education and Wesleyan is Arrival Day. It’s great fun to meet with the families of our new students and to share some of my hopes for a Wesleyan education. This year, I was also thinking about having dropped off our daughter Sophie last week to start her frosh year. At the arrival day talk at Wesleyan, there are always lots of laughs and usually a few tears. Here is a video of part of my remarks.




Arrival Day is Here!

I’m heading out to the residence halls to help our first-year students move into their new homes! Here is a picture of some early arrivals to Clark Hall.

Joshua Hochschild Early morning arrivals
I’ll be posting more photos throughout the day. Welcome to Wes!

Volleyballers on the job
Volleyballers on the job

Cardinal Pride at the Butts
Cardinal Pride at the Butts

Making Arrival Day Smooth at Clark
Making Arrival Day Smooth at Clark

Helping out at 200 Church
Helping out at 200 Church

Arrival Day Help at Bennet
Arrival Day Help at Bennet

Checking out new net chair at Clark
Checking out new net chair at Clark

Students Begin to Arrive

Today (August 30) international students begin to arrive. I’ve already begun to see many undergraduates working for Student Life on campus for training — and most graduate students have been around focused on their research. It’s an exciting time of year, and I’m always enthusiastic (and still a little nervous) for the start of school. Here’s the message I recently sent out to new students.


Dear friends in the class of 2019,

We are busy getting ready to welcome you to campus for the start of your Wesleyan education. I can imagine that you are experiencing a mix of emotions as you prepare to join us, and I hope your travels to central Connecticut are safe and smooth.

Most of you have selected classes for the fall, but some of you will make changes to your schedules as you get more information, meet friends and teachers, and decide to try new things. The first semester presents opportunities to discover more about what most deeply engages you, and I am confident that you will find a constellation of courses that is challenging and fulfilling. You will be encouraged to think for yourself while also sharing your views with others. Doing so should promote a spirit of inquiry that extends far beyond the coursework.

And beyond the coursework you will find many opportunities for engagement. I trust that you’ll find the Wesleyan community to be welcoming as well as invigorating and caring. We look out for one another, and we cheer each other on. The goal is a campus that is safe and inspiring. Please take advantage of the opportunities to make this community your launch pad into politics, the arts, athletics… all sorts of things that will add to what you learn at Wesleyan.

I hope to get to know many of you while you are undergraduates. My office is in South College (office hours, late afternoon on Mondays), and I live right on campus. I’ll always try to find time to meet with students, so please stop by. On September 17, the Wesleyan Student Assembly is sponsoring an open meeting in Memorial Chapel in which I will briefly discuss the “state of the university.” You can also follow me on Twitter @mroth78 and through my blog.

Some of you will choose to finish in three years, others will take four (and a few will take a break in the middle). Whatever your itinerary, I am confident that at Wes you will find “boldness, rigor and practical idealism” – students, faculty and staff who are dedicated to a broad, pragmatic liberal education.

Go Wes!

Michael Roth

Mayor’s Film Series Continues

Middletown’s Mayor Dan Drew has put together a great little film series at the College of Film and the Moving Image. This Saturday (August 29) Angels with Dirty Faces screens at 7:30 pm. Next Saturday, September 5, the mayor has chosen The Usual Suspects to be presented at the same time. The series began last week with The Maltese Falcon.

Admission to each movie screening is free, but we are suggesting a $5 donation, which will go to the Buttonwood Tree, a nonprofit performing arts and cultural center in Middletown.

“All these films are crowd-pleasers and the mayor made great choices,” department founder Jeanine Basinger told The Hartford Courant. “It’s a pleasure for all of us at the Center for Film Studies to be able to present these films for the community.”

On September 26, Wesleyan celebrates “Middletown Day.”  There are great athletic contests on campus that Saturday, and we are planning some family activities. More on that in a few weeks!