The Wellness Experience: Feelin Alright!

This morning I signed up for Wellness Experience sponsored by Wesleyan’s Health Center. I have to confess that as a student of Michel Foucault’s I was filled with trepidation at joining what might be a bio-political engineering program designed for increased homogeneity. Ha! Instead, when I looked at the various ways in which I could join other Wesleyans in reducing health risks and building resistance against various stressors…I happily signed on. Here are a few key things Tanya Purdy from WesWell wrote me about that caught my attention:

  • Try autogenic relaxation – use this progressive body relaxation meditation a couple times this week. Here is a helpful guide
  • Practice holistic gratitude–Tell the people in your life what you appreciate about them, what you are grateful for, and the impact they’ve had on you. (Not sure how to get started or looking for community to learn/share in this transformative practice? Monday, 2/8, at 4:30pm at the Spirituality Lounge at 169 High St.).
  • Fuel your body!–Strive to eat three “colorful” meals each day! Take the opportunity to try a new fruit or vegetable, and aim for at least five different colors on your plate.
  • Take a break from substances when socializing—attend a substance-free event or go out with friends. Take in your whole experience and enjoy socializing substance free. You can find CFA events here, The Wes Film Series here, and UCAB/WesUnights events here.

Here‘s the announcement page from WesWell, where you can sign up for the Wellness Experience. And here’s a snippet from the Smokin Lilies (yours truly on keys and vocals) playing Feelin Alright at the Mash! in September.

Exciting New Art Exhibition — We-Chat Opens!

Wesleyan folks are in for a great opportunity to see exciting new art from China. We-Chat, curated by Barbara Pollock, opens at the Zilkha Gallery this afternoon (Tuesday) at 4:30 pm. Here’s what the Center for the Arts website says about the show:

Born after the end of the Cultural Revolution, young artists are challenging traditional notions of Chinese identity and inventing new ways to shout out in the global arena. This exhibition debuts at Wesleyan, and features works by Sun Xun, Jin Shan, Ma Qiusha, Lu Yang, Bo Wang, Pixy Liao, Liu Chuang, Shi Zhiying, Guo Xi, and Yan Xing that reflect the state of China today, and raise questions about the sustainability of national and cultural identity in an increasingly globalized world. The exhibition is curated by Guest Curator Barbara Pollack.
The opening reception will include a gallery talk at 5 p.m. by artists Pixy Liao, Bo Wang, and Jin Shan, as well as Guest Curator Barbara Pollack.

Pixy Yijun Liao, "The King Under Me,"
Pixy Yijun Liao, “The King Under Me,”

Check out the CFA website for more cool events this semester.

Snow, Snow…. and Sports

Kari and I made our way across campus to the Freeman Athletic Center Saturday afternoon to get a workout in. The Andersen Fitness Center was packed with students who had a similar idea (and snow boots). After getting in a little cardio, I was able to check out the amazing Wesleyan squash team. These people are soooo skilled! I am ever impressed by their poise and their athleticism. And were winning their share of matches, to be sure.

The women’s hockey team may have felt at home in the wintry weather. They were facing a formidable squad of skaters from Hamilton, but they were certainly putting real pressure on the Hamilton goalie while I was there. The men’s basketball team was coming off an exciting overtime win against the nationally ranked Tufts’ team, and they looked great against Bates. They led throughout the game, and senior BJ Davis had SEVEN three pointers!

At the foul line...
At the foul line…

On my way home, I encountered the physics research project known as sledding down Foss Hill. Here is a research team known as “The Onezies.”

During Storm:


Onesies in the Snow
Onezies in the Snow


Physics Research
Physics Research


Morning after:

Somebody loves the snow!

‘Beyond the University’ Awarded AAC&U Ness Prize

The Association of American Colleges and Universities today awarded Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters the Walter Ness Award for a book that “best illuminates the goals and practices of a contemporary liberal education.” This morning I heard stirring speeches from outgoing AAC&U president Carol Geary Schneider and Freman Hrabowski, the president of University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Both have done so much to foster equity and inclusion in higher education.

Carol Geary Schneider
Carol Geary Schneider
Freeman Hrabowski
Freeman Hrabowski









I am very honored to receive this award and post the AAC&U’s press release below:

AAC&U Presents 2016 Frederic W. Ness Book Award to Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters by Michael S. Roth

Jan 21, 2016

Washington, DC—The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) announced today the winner of its Frederic W. Ness Book Award: Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters published in 2014 by Yale University Press. The Ness award is given for the book that best illuminates the goals and practices of a contemporary liberal education, and will be formally presented to the author, Michael S. Roth, at AAC&U’s Annual Meeting, on January 21, 2016, in Washington, DC. Michael S. Roth is president of Wesleyan University.

In Beyond the University, Michael S. Roth recounts the historic debates over the benefits—or drawbacks—of a liberal education. In this provocative contribution to the disputes, Roth focuses on important moments and seminal thinkers in America’s long-running argument over vocational vs. liberal education.

“As I argue in the book, a liberal education is more important than ever,” said Michael S. Roth, author of Beyond the University. “In 2016, we can work toward the wider recognition that liberal learning in the American tradition isn’t only training; it’s an invitation to think for oneself—and to act in concert with others to face serious challenges and create far-reaching opportunities. I’m honored to have the book recognized by AAC&U.”

This year’s Ness award winner was selected by a committee of higher education leaders including Johnnella Butler (chair), Professor, Comparative Women’s Studies, Spelman College; Sanford Ungar, Distinguished Scholar in Residence, Georgetown University; Elaine Maimon, President, Governors State University; and Reza Fakhari, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, City University of New York Kingsborough Community College.

“Michael Roth provides the historical and contemporary rationale for the pragmatic, aspirational, and innovative liberal education to meet the changing twenty-first-century realities both within and beyond the university,” said Johnnella Butler.

The Ness Book Award was established by AAC&U in 1979 to honor AAC&U’s president emeritus, Frederic W. Ness. Recent award winners include Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning by José Antonio Bowen; Rethinking Undergraduate Business Education: Liberal Learning for the Profession by Dr. Anne Colby, Thomas Ehrlich, Dr. William Sullivan, and Dr. Jonathan R. Dolle; Why Choose the Liberal Arts? by Mark W. Roche; Tearing Down the Gates: Confronting the Class Divide in American Education by Peter Sacks; Our Underachieving Colleges: A Candid Look at How Much Students Learn and Why They Should Be Learning More by Derek Bok; Saving Higher Education in the Age of Money by James Engell and Anthony Dangerfield; Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi; Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past by Sam Wineburg; and Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education by Martha Nussbaum.

Visit to learn more about this book.



On “Break” with Wesleyan Athletes

Alexis Walker runs!
Alexis Walker runs!

Yesterday I had the treat of watching some great competition at the Freeman Athletic Center. We were hosting the Little Three Track and Field contests, and there were plenty of great efforts. On the women’s side, Allegra Fils-Aime ’19 was a stand out with a first-place finish in the 200 meter dash, while also placing third in the triple jump. Senior Alexis Walker finished the 60 meter dash in second-place. She also won first place in the long jump.

The Cardinal relay team captured first-place in the 4 x 400 with the team of Sarah Swenson ’18, Ananya Subrahmanian ’18, Alexandra Dibrindisi ’19 and Jennifer Aguiar ’18. The 4 x 800 team, which consisted of Aida Julien ’18, Isabella Reilly ’19 and Claudia Schatz ’19, and senior Syndey Cogswell, finished second overall.

Senior Kiley Kennedy tied for second place in the pole vault. The Cardinals captured second and third place in the shot put event as well, with senior Ellie Martin coming in second, and Katie Maehl ’19 placing third.

Track fans!
Track fans!
Higher! Higher!
Higher! Higher!
Moving up!
Moving up!
Pushing hard!!
Pushing hard!!


On the men’s side there was also some great performances. It’s a pleasure to congratulate senior Agbon Edomwonyi, who took home two first-place finishes with wins in the shot put and the weight throw.

Agbon Edomwonyi '16
Agbon Edomwonyi ’16

I also got to see part of the contest in which the men’s hockey team fight back to a 2-2 tie with Colby. James Kline ’17 and frosh Andy Espinoza scored goals. The women’s basketball team looked great as they rolled past Trinity, 70-46. Brenna Diggins ’17 scored a game-high 18 points and pulled in five rebounds. Olivia Gorman ’19 was a scoring machine with 13 points in just 14 minutes, and was spectacular off the bench in the second half. It was an impressive team effort as the Cardinals got their first NESCAC win.

Cardinals moving so fast they're a blurr
Cardinals moving so fast they’re a blur!

Winter session students, thesis writers and athletes have already been working hard, and soon we’ll be joined on campus by the rest of the student body. Go Wes!

City on a Grid

Gerard Koeppel ’79 is an unusual writer. He combines passion, wit, intelligence and tons of research into history books that are interesting to a very wide range of readers. He has published books on the making of the Erie canal (Bond of Union: Building the Erie Canal and the American Empire) and about how New York city has developed mechanisms to deliver enough fresh water to support its population (Water for Gotham: A History). Over the break I’ve been reading City on a Grid: How New York Became New York, which examines the architectural and urban planning history of New York City.

Gerard shows that in the early 1800s a small commission imposed a grid on the development of the city so as to create rectangle after rectangle, right angle after right angle. There were some who argued that this was tyranny (these men “would have cut down the seven hills of Rome”), but in many ways the future of the city was laid out by that early commission. “Streets and avenues were drawn on the plan with complete disregard to natural features, and, over the decades…and natural features were simply cut down, filled in, and paved over.”

Gerard will be talking about his book and reading from it at Wesleyan on February 18th at 4:30 pm in Usdan 108.

Toward the end of his fascinating book, Gerard writes “It is very hard to design the future. It is easier to understand the past.” His understanding of New York’s gridded past should inform any plans to create a more sustainable city for tomorrow.


Campus Update: Equity Task Force

Today, I sent the following message to the Wesleyan community:

Dear friends,

At the end of last semester I indicated we would be creating a task force to explore the establishment of a multicultural resource center as part of our broader effort to improve equity and inclusion on campus. This task force will be tri-chaired by Professor Gina Athena Ulysse, Shardonay Pagett ’18, and Antonio Farias, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion. Their initial report is expected next month and final recommendations by May 1. You will be able to find updates on their work and related events, including a community dialogue to be held early this semester, at This is important work, and I thank the members of this task force for their participation.

It need hardly be said that making our campus more equitable and inclusive is a communal goal and must be a communal effort. In the course of this work we will be challenged to truly listen to differing viewpoints and to learn from them. In 2016 let’s each and every one of us do what we can—be it personal, political, or intellectual—to contribute to equity and inclusion at Wesleyan.

Michael S. Roth

New Year, New Future for Liberal Education

This past weekend the Wall Street Journal published a group of articles on the coming year. They asked me to participate in this journalistic  symposium, and I offered an optimistic perspective on a “comeback” for liberal education. I cross-post it here.

Wesleyan’s president argues that 2016 should be the year we resist efforts to steer higher education toward pseudo-practicality

After a decade in which broad, conceptual learning was often bashed, 2016 will see a resurgent commitment in higher education to a pragmatic liberal-arts education. Not only traditional classrooms but also new pedagogical tools like MOOCs (massive open online courses) will be used more extensively to teach everything from Great Books to transformational historical trends to landmarks of scientific thinking. In 2016, liberal education, American-style, will flourish.

Many liberal-arts colleges have been under extraordinary duress in recent years, while many big public universities, when not just focused on specialized research, seem to have abandoned broad, contextual learning in favor of vocational majors, TV-friendly athletics and cultivating a party atmosphere for millennial customers and their hovering parents.

But liberal education in America has been under pressure before, and this is one of those moments when it can emerge stronger than ever. The stakes in 2016 are high, from a national political debate desperate for critical thinking to an economy eager for innovation. This should be the year we find the courage to resist those who want to steer higher education in the direction of a pseudo-practicality. A strictly utilitarian education produces graduates who will conform to the status quo, but in our period of extraordinary change, the status quo almost immediately becomes obsolete.

Liberal-arts education today can be pragmatic, empowering students with potent ways of dealing with the issues they will face at work and in life. In the years ahead, liberal learning will link engineering with design and economics, the arts with computer science, the study of philosophy with building more just institutions. From Thomas Jefferson to W.E.B. Du Bois to Jane Addams, Americans have recognized that a broad, contextual education protects against mindless tyranny and haughty privilege. In 2016, we can recognize again that liberal learning in the American tradition isn’t only training; it is an invitation to think for oneself—and to act in concert with others to face serious challenges and create far-reaching opportunities.

Year-end Appreciation

I sent this message to the Wesleyan community earlier this week:


Dear friends,

As I reflect on 2015, I find a number of ongoing challenges but also much to be proud of — and be inspired by. I see many in our campus community who proved unafraid to take risks for the sake of positive outcomes, who demanded much of others for the sake of learning, who put themselves out there for the sake of others. At Wesleyan, boldness, rigor and practical idealism can be found in classrooms, in athletics, in protests, in labs, in performances. “We are all educators,” I’ve said to staff on many occasions this year, for they, like our marvelous faculty, create the conditions for this kind of education. And I saw boldness, rigor, and practical idealism at work in our alumni as well: in how they lead their lives, contribute to their communities, support alma mater.

The Wesleyan I’ve seen in 2015 is a place of exuberance and reflection, a place of compassionate solidarity. We had our challenges but accomplished much; for details please see my update on our progress toward the goals set forth in our framework for planning, Wesleyan 2020.

Our THIS IS WHY fundraising campaign continues to surpass expectations and now has just six months to go! My thanks to all who contributed to Wesleyan this year — through your hard work and through your support. Go Wes!


Michael S. Roth


Celebrating Wesleyan Athletics!

As we get to the end of the semester, I find myself revisiting some of its highlights. One such moment was when coaches Mark Woodworth and Joe Reilly visited my office just before Homecoming. They were coming by to present me with NESCAC Championship Rings from the baseball team and men’s basketball team. The record of excellence for both teams is most impressive. Baseball has become a conference powerhouse, and last year the basketball team had an extraordinary run through the tournament to emerge with our first NESCAC title in the sport.

Coaches present championship rings
Coaches present championship rings

At Homecoming we had the occasion to celebrate other NESCAC champions, including the amazing tennis star, Eudice Chong ’18, who went on to a national championship. These student athletes do us proud!


On campus, we all know that athletics isn’t confined to those who win championships or even those who suit up for varsity sports. Every day you can find students, faculty and staff on the ice, tracks, bikes, courts, fields, sailboats, horses….and (speaking for myself) stairmasters! We cheer one another on, and, sometimes, go beyond what we had imagined we could accomplish.

Even our varsity athletes get a break after finals, but they will be back in competition weeks before the new semester begins. Let’s cheer them on!

Go Wes!
Go Wes!